SMSC pays tribute to club members who are gone...
Southern Michigan Schipperke Club has been a club for over 25 years. Over the years we have lost a few of our club members, and each one is sorely missed. Each member of the club has left their own mark on the club, the people, the dogs and the breed through their own special mark of love and friendship and work. Though others have stepped up to fill certain jobs, no one can ever replace these people and what they did for the club. They will never be forgotten! |
Bette Demopolis was a founding member of the Southern Michigan Schipperke Club. She showed Schipperkes in conformation and obedience, and was a great friend to both the people and the dogs in the breed. She passed away from cancer, and she is much missed by the club members.
Fran Griggs was a founding member of the Southern Michigan Schipperke Club. Fran Griggs was Skipalong Schipperkes, and one of the most famous and successful Schipperke breeders in the United States. She was the wife of Jack Griggs, and together they were the SCA bulletin editors for 19 years. They first became interested in Schipperkes in the 1930's, but didn't get their first pedigreed Schipperke until the 40's. Later they bought Holiday UDT, and achieved many High In Trials with her. Interest in conformation and breeding came later, but she went on to produce many champions, Best in Specialty and Best in Show winners.
David Hribar was a founding member of the Southern Michigan Schipperke Club, and the husband of Dawn Hribar, another founding member. Together they were Sidekicks Schipperkes. He passed away at 69 years old in 2013.
Janette Sweet-Harris joined the club in the early 1990's. She showed and bred Schipperkes using the kennel name "Mentha". She produced Best in Show winner CH Mentha's Solo Performance ROM HOF. Janette passed away from cancer in 2013.
Last Updated 3/1/2016 BY DP